Behavior Standards and Expectations


Together, students, parents, teachers and administrators share the responsibility of creating and sustaining an environment that enhances student achievement and well-being at Roseburg Public Schools. The School District asks for the support of students and parents to achieve this goal. To that end, the District has prepared the Behavior Standards and Expectations Section of the Parent/Student Handbook (the “Standards and Expectations Section”), which addresses:

  • The rights and responsibilities of students and parents.
  • The responsibilities of teachers and administrators to implement behavior supports and interventions that promote safety in the schools and support student success.
  • Student conduct which may require discipline.
  • The Due Process rights of students and parents and the responsibilities of teachers and administrators.

We strongly urge parents and students to review the Standards and Expectations Section carefully and to develop a clear understanding of the details. The Standards are founded upon Board Policy found on the District website at By becoming familiar with the Standards and Expectations, students and parents can help all of our schools remain safe and supportive places where all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


All students have rights. These rights carry related responsibilities on the part of each student. Students are charged with the responsibility to contribute to a positive educational climate, to actively participate in the prescribed learning activities, to use considerate behaviors and to protect their own rights and those of other people.

Students have a right to:

a. Learn in a safe, clean, orderly and positive climate – one that is unbiased, nonjudgmental, and free from discrimination, verbal or physical threats and abuse.

b. Receive high quality instruction that is comprehensible and appropriate to their level of academic and linguistic development.

c. Be expected to achieve at high levels.

d. Be taught in ways that are responsive to students’ individual needs.

e. Receive appropriate accommodations to meet individual needs.

f. Express their ideas and perspectives on issues and topics relevant to their education, including school policies and procedures. Participate in student activities, including extracurricular activities.

g. Be treated with respect, and to be treated as a unique individual with differing needs, learning styles and abilities in a manner that encourages and enhances individual self-esteem.

h. Be treated in a fair and equitable manner by teachers and administrators. 

i. Have school rules that are enforced in a consistent, fair and reasonable manner.  

j. Receive fair, equitable, non-discriminatory disciplinary actions.  

k. Have access to quality learning resources, including learning technology.  

l. Have access to their student records.  

m. Have access to school assignments/homework while serving a disciplinary suspension for the duration of the suspension and have options for alternative instructional opportunities for any remaining suspension.  

Students have a responsibility to:

a. Attend school daily according to school district adopted calendar, arrive on time, bring appropriate materials, and be prepared to participate in class and complete assignments.

b. Strive for academic growth and to strive for their personal best.

c. Participate fully in the classroom, curriculum and learning process during the entire class period.

d. Make positive contributions to their school environment that allows fellow students to have equal access to educational opportunities.

e. Make positive contributions to the school environment that allows fellow students to be free from discrimination, harassment, hazing and bullying.

f. Make up work resulting from an absence.

g. Respect the rights, feelings, and property of fellow students, parents, school staff, visitors, guests, and school neighbors.

h. Conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner while on school grounds, school buses, at bus stops, at any school-related activity, and in the classroom, so as not to interfere with the rights of another student to learn and to contribute to a safe and orderly school environment that is conducive to learning.

i. Display behavior that does not compromise the safety of other students and/or staff.

j. Follow discipline guidelines adopted by the School Board.

k. Protect and take care of the school’s property.

l. Abide by the School Board policies and regulations.

m. Assist the school staff in running a safe school, and to help maintain the safety and cleanliness of the school environment.

n. Read and ask questions to understand the information in the Student Handbook.

Parents and guardians have rights with respect to their student learners.  These rights also carry with them certain responsibilities.  Parents and guardians are expected to set an example for their children, especially as it affects respect for school rules, the authority of teachers and administrators, and for the rights and property of other students.

Parents and guardians have a right to:

a. Direct their student’s education.

b. Receive official reports of their student’s academic progress, attendance and behavior.      

c. Request and be granted conferences with teachers, counselors and/or the principal.           

d. Receive explanations from teachers about their student’s grades and disciplinary procedures.     

e. Access and review school records pertaining to their student. 

f. Receive a copy of this Handbook. 

g. Receive immediately an oral and a written notification anytime a student receives in-school suspension, or is sent home for any safety and/or disciplinary reason (including suspensions).     

h. Request a review of all disciplinary actions relating to their student. 

i. Make health care decisions for their student (if he or she is a minor).

j. Express appropriately their ideas and perspectives on issues and topics relevant to their student’s education, including school policies and procedures. 

k. Be treated in a manner that is respectful. 

Parents and guardians have a responsibility to:

a. Communicate and collaborate with teachers and administrators to support student achievement. 

b. Attempt to participate and be active at their student’s school activities.

c. Be partners with school staff by sharing appropriate ideas for improving student learning and by helping to prevent and/or resolve student discipline problems.

d. Provide supervision of the student’s health, physical and emotional well being, and assume responsibility for the student’s timely regular attendance at school.

e. Promptly provide the school with explanations for student absences or tardiness.

f. Ensure student compliance with school and district policies and regulations.

g. Read and ask questions to understand the information in this Handbook.  

h. Reinforce the importance of students’ adherence to values and behaviors described in this Handbook and modeled by teachers and administrators.


Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to monitor and guard each student’s behavior while at school or attending school-related events.  The staff’s conduct and guidance should encourage within the student a desire to learn, a respect for honest work and respect for the rights and property of others.  Teachers and administrators have an obligation to explain to students the school’s behavior Standards and Expectations and to take appropriate action with those students whose behavior falls short of the Standards and Expectations.  To this end, the staff at all schools have been trained to use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (“PBIS”).  

PBIS is an evidence-based, proactive, data-driven framework that includes a range of tiered interventions designed to prevent problem behavior while teaching socially appropriate behaviors.  The focus of PBIS is creating and sustaining school environments for all students in which appropriate behavior is supported and problem or disruptive behavior is redirected.  This culture is created by:

  • Defining and teaching behavioral expectation
  • Monitoring and acknowledging appropriate behavior
  • Providing corrective and appropriate consequences for behavioral supports
  • Using a team-based management system to oversee the PBIS program
  • Using referral data for problem solving

In the PBIS system, students, who do not respond to the school wide or classroom systems may need additional supports or interventions.  Interventions which have been shown to be successful across age and grade levels include: mentoring, social skills groups, daily monitoring of selected problem behaviors.  In a handful of situations, when these group supports are not sufficient, more stringent disciplinary action may be implemented to deal with inappropriate behaviors.  The student may be evaluated to determine the function of the misbehavior through Functional Behavior Assessments.


Students who are not responsive to PBIS interventions or who engage in behaviors that are severe or frequent will be subject disciplinary action which may mean detention, removal of privileges, suspension, or expulsion from school.  In matters that could result in disciplinary action, parents will be involved and informed. In all cases of suspension or expulsion, due process procedures will be no less than those required by District policy and state and federal law.  

In addition to rules and regulations of Roseburg Public Schools described in this Handbook, students are expected to obey the laws of the State of Oregon and of the United States. On school property, and at school-sponsored activities, violations of public laws will result in disciplinary action taken by school authorities regardless of whether or not law enforcement is involved. The following conduct will constitute grounds for disciplinary action:

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty means using, sharing or representing another individual’s school work, research or intellectual property as a student’s own. It also means using inappropriate methods to complete tests or assignments. (Policy IKI)


Arson is the intentional use of fire to damage or attempt to damage property of a student’s or the school. Setting off or reporting false fire alarms is also grounds for disciplinary action. Schools are required to report a deliberately set fire to local fire authorities. (Policy JFC)


Assault is intentional, unauthorized physical contact with another person which causes physical, mental or emotional injury or would reasonably be expected to cause such an injury.  (Policy JFC)

Bus Infractions

Failing to follow a school bus driver’s directions or engaging in conduct that violates bus rules lead to disciplinary action at school.  (Policy EEACC)


Cyberbullying  means  the  use  of  any  electronic  communication  device  to  harass,  intimidate,  or  bully another student or school employee. (Policy JFCF and GBNA)

Damaging School Property

A  student  present on district property, engaged in a school-related activity or attending a school related activity is prohibited from intentionally  or  recklessly  damaging  or  destroying  school  property.   Any  student  who damages school property will be asked to pay the cost of replacement or restoration of the damaged property. in addition to being subjected to appropriate disciplinary actions and legal proceedings.  (Policy JFC).

Disruptive or Unsafe Behavior

Disruptive,  unsafe,  or  abusive  conduct  that  deprives  other  students  of  the  right  to  learn  or  participate in a school related activity or that interferes with the instructional program in the classroom will not be tolerated.  (Policy JFC)


It  is  unlawful  for  a  student  to  possess,  purchase,  use,  distribute  or  be  under  the  influence  of  an  illegal substance, or an imitation illegal substance; or to possess, purchase, use, distribute or be under the influence of a restricted or controlled substance for which the student does not have a prescription.  It is also unlawful for a student to distribute his/her own prescription drugs to others.  (Policy JFCG/JFCH/JFCI)

Explosive Devices 

The  use  or  threatened  use,  possession  or  sale  of  explosive  devices  or  materials  or  look-alike  explosive devices on school grounds or at a school related event is prohibited.  (Policy JFC)

Failure to Report Serious Misconduct or the Threat of Serious Misconduct

A student who fails to inform school personnel of serious misconduct by another student or staff member or the threat thereof may be subject to disciplinary action.  “Serious Misconduct” means behavior that has resulted in or poses a credible threat to the safety, security or wellbeing of students, staff or school property.   (Policy JFC)


Mutual participation in any form of physical altercation or acts of person-to-person aggression will result in discipline for all parties involved in such behavior.  (Policy JFC)

Gang Activity or Conduct

Any student behavior promoting or imitating gang involvement or activity through attire, language, or nonverbal gestures (including graffiti) is prohibited.  (Policy JFC)

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any act  that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or performance, that takes place on or immediately adjacent to district grounds, at any district-sponsored activity, on district-provided transportation or at any official district bus stop, that may be based on, but not limited to, the protected class status of a person, having the effect of physically harming a student or school employee or placing a student or school employee in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s or school employee’s property, or creating a hostile educational environment, including interfering with the psychological well-being of a student or school employee.  (Policy JFCF)


Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health, or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of attaining membership in, or affiliation with, any District-sponsored activity or group.  Hazing includes, but is not limited to, forced consumption of any drink, food, or drug, forced exposure to the elements, forced exclusion from social contact, sleep deprivation or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or that requires, encourages, authorizes or permits another to be subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically burdensome article, assignment of pranks to be performed, or other such activities intended to degrade or humiliate.  (Policy JFCF)

Internet/Network Misuse

Inappropriate use or access to websites or the failure to follow the school’s appropriate use policy for the internet or network connections at school can be grounds for student discipline.   (Policy IIBGA-AR3)

Inappropriate Displays of Affection

Interactions between students that are overly sexualized are prohibited.   (Policy JFC)


Menacing includes, but is not limited to, any act intended to place a student or school employee in fear of imminent serious physical injury.  (Policy JFCF)

Physical Violence or Threats of Physical Violence

Physical violence is conduct resulting in physical harm to one’s self, to others, or to property, including fighting in a school building, on the school grounds or in the vicinity thereof, on District vehicles, or at school-sponsored activities.  Threats of physical violence include threats of harm to one’s self, to others, or to school property.  (Policy JFCM)


Words and/or acts that infringe on the moral standards of most students will not be tolerated at school or at a school-related activity. (Policy JFC)

Reckless Endangering

Students may not engage in conduct at school or at a school related activity or in a district operated vehicle, which creates a substantial risk of physical, mental or emotional injury to another person.  (Policy JFC)

Repeat Behaviors

Repeated failure to meet behavior expectations can be grounds for disciplinary action.   (Policy JFC)

Sexual Harassment or Abuse

Students are prohibited from engaging in unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment.  Sexual abuse is conduct or a sexual nature directed against another person without that person’s consent. (Policy JBA/GBN)

Slander and Libel

Students may not communicate by any means false or injurious statements or pictures about another student or staff member.  (Policy JFC)

Teen Dating Violence

Teen dating violence is defined as use or threats of physical, mental or emotional abuse to control another individual who is in a dating relationship with the person, where one or both persons are between the ages of 13 to 19 years.  (Policy JFCF)


Theft is the act of taking, giving or receiving property that does not belong to the student.  Any student who commits or attempts to commit an act of theft against another student, a school employee or the School District, will be subject to disciplinary action.  (Students are urged not to bring valuables or large amounts of money to school.  Beyond the teaching of personal responsibility and honesty, the school cannot assume direct responsibility for a student’s personal belongings.)  (Policy JFC)

Tobacco/ALCOHOL/DrUGS/inhalent Delivery Systems

The possession, use, or distribution of tobacco or its imitation in any form by students violates Oregon Law and District policy.  Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes or other vapor delivery devices, will not be allowed on school property, in School District vehicles, or at school events or activities.  (Policy JFCG/JFCH/JFCI)  


Students  who  have  been  suspended or expelled from school or otherwise restricted from school and persons of school age who are present but not enrolled in the school may be subject to the appropriate State Law or City Ordinance related to trespass.  Criminal trespass charges may be made when a person’s presence has been denied or restricted from a campus.  (Policy JFC)

Unauthorized Use of Cell Phones or Other Electronic Devices

A student may be disciplined for failure to follow the directives of a teacher or administrator with respect to the use or possession of cell phones or other electronic devices at school.   (Policy JFC)

Unjustified Interference with School Authorities

Students are prohibited from engaging in willful disobedience, insubordination, open defiance, intimidation, or threat of force or violence against any school employee. (Policy JFC)

Unsafe or Improper Use of a Vehicle

While on school property, students must use vehicles in a safe and non-disruptive manner.  Parking regulations are enforced.  Unsafe vehicle use leads to campus restrictions or law enforcement contact.  Any student leaving campus by vehicle not operated by an adult is responsible for his or her own actions.  (Policy JHFD)


Vandalism is the act of damaging property; property is defaced by graffiti- unwelcome words or art work placed on property belonging to another. Students are prohibited from vandalizing or defacing school property with graffiti. The parent or guardian of the student is liable for the payment for such damage or defacement if the student is younger than 18. (ORS 339.260) (Policy JFC)


Students shall not bring, possess, conceal or use a weapon on or at District property, activities under the jurisdiction of the District or interscholastic activities administered by a voluntary organization approved by the State Board of Education (i.e., Oregon School Activities Association).  This includes destructive devices, replicas of weapons, and any item used as a weapon. Weapons include all types of firearms plus any weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance that is capable of causing serious physical injury or death under the circumstance in which it is used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used.  

Students found to have brought, possessed, concealed or used a dangerous or deadly weapon, firearm or destructive device in violation of this policy shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year. All other violations of the policy will result in discipline up to and including expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement, as appropriate.  

In accordance with the federal Gun-Free School Zone Act, possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone is prohibited.  A “school zone” is defined by federal law as in or on school grounds or “within 1000 feet of school grounds”.  (Policy JFC and JFCJ)


Disciplinary actions are taken with the aim of correcting behavior patterns.  Most behavior patterns can be handled routinely with existing classroom and school programs.  Nearly all students respond satisfactorily to friendly encouragement, firm direction, and understanding guidance.  For those students who do not, however, it is important that parents and students understand the consequences of misbehavior.

Appropriate disciplinary action, other than suspension or expulsion, may be administered by a staff member to a student who is in violation of any school rule when the student is on school property or at a school-related activity. Discipline for a minor infraction may be handled without going through all the steps of formal procedure.  In some cases, a written record may be maintained in the student’s file.  Students and/or parents shall have the right to appeal such action to the building principal or delegated representative.  Such appeals shall be conducted in an informal setting.  

Teachers and administrators must have wide prerogatives when invoking disciplinary procedures in order to maintain a school climate conducive to learning and assuring safety of students and staff.  School disciplinary actions are summary in nature; nonetheless, students and parents shall be given notice of the violations and the opportunity to be heard before any discipline is imposed.  

Depending upon the seriousness of the behavioral problem, one or more of the following actions will be taken by the District staff:


A member of the District staff will talk with the student to reach an agreement regarding the student’s behavior.  

Loss of Privileges

The school or District administration may notify the parent of privilege suspension.  These privileges may include but are not limited to removing the student from the playground, cafeteria, media center, and/or class participation.  

Loss of Driving Privileges 

Certain behaviors may result in a loss of driving privileges as per Board Policy JHFD.  

Participation in Extracurricular Activities 

Students who have committed infractions may lose the privilege to participate in extracurricular activities.  


A conference will be held with the student, the teacher, the administrator, and other appropriate staff members to develop a plan for improving behavior.  The parent may be contacted to attend the conference. 

Parent Involvement

The parent will be informed of the problem area.  A conference with the student, the parent, and appropriate staff members may be scheduled.  If a plan is developed to help improve the student’s behavior, copies will be given to the student and the parent.

Disciplinary Reassignment/ Detention/ In-School Suspension

A misbehaving student will be reassigned to a separate, supervised environment away from usual school activities.  This may include a referral to counseling, a schedule change, a supervised detention before or after school, Saturday School, and/or an optional work assignment around the school.  

Short Suspension

The student is excluded from school and school related activities for a period of up to four (4) school days.  In these cases, parents will be notified.  A conference between the administrator, student, parents, and other appropriate school staff will be conducted and recorded in the student’s behavioral file.  

Long Suspension

The student is excluded from school and school related activities for a period of five to ten (5-10) school days.  Parents will be notified.  A conference between the administrator, student, parents, and other appropriate school staff will be conducted and recorded in the student’s behavioral file.  A student may be suspended in cases being investigated and/or pending expulsion.  

In special circumstances a suspension may be continued until some specific pending action occurs such as a physical or mental examination, incarceration by court action, a hearing by the District’s Superintendent or delegated representative, and/or until the Board of Directors has taken official action.  


The student is excluded from school and school related activities for a period of eleven (11) days up to one calendar year.  The principal may recommend to the superintendent/designee that the student be expelled.  The student is suspended pending a hearing and/or action.  Under special cases, exceptions in the length of the expulsion may be recommended by the school staff.  Students who possess, use, or transport weapons to school may be expelled for a period of not less than one year.  The student and parent are notified of charges by telephone and certified letter.  

The procedure for expulsion follows in accord with the rights of the student within due process and is recorded in the student’s behavioral file.  Students expelled from other Districts may be denied regular admission to Roseburg Public Schools.  (Board Policy JG/JGD/JGE)


In cases of student possession, use, or distribution of illegal substances, or violent or threatening behavior, an assessment by an independent evaluator may be required before a student is allowed to return to school.  The purpose of this assessment is to determine if the student has a problem that needs to be addressed in a treatment program as part of a conditional readmission to school.  

Alternative Programs for Attendance/Discipline Problems

Parents of students with erratic attendance and severe discipline problems will be provided information on alternative education programs.